Park Fees and Rules

Fillable Park Permit 2019

Park Fees

Fees apply to Sycamore Park, Jensen Park and Central Park

Park Permits -$40 per permit/per day

**Please note – it is required to provide a Certificate of General Liability Insurance in the amount of $1 million showing the “City of Willows” as “additionally insured” for any events with over 150 attendees OR if a jump house, climbing walls or other private and potentially dangerous equipment is used.**

Athletic Fields

Fees apply to Softball Field East and West

Field Use - $40

Tournament Fee - $100 per day/per field

Field Prep - $41.67 per field/per prep

Lights - $15 per hour

Tournaments should be scheduled with the Willows Recreation Department at least 30 days prior to the event.

If concessions are going to be sold during the tournament, please notify the Willows Recreation Department prior to the event.

Swim Pool

Number of People Number of Lifeguards Cost per hour Lifeguards and Chemicals

1-50 2 $80

50-75 3 $95

75-100 4 $110

100-125 5 $125

125-150 6 $140

150-175 7 $165

175-200 8 $180

  • If requesting the pool for an event, please schedule with the Willows Recreation Department at least 30 days prior to the event.

Tennis Courts

The courts are free to the public for daily use. Tournaments are free if they are open to the public. Closed tournaments are $0.50 per player per day.


  • A Park Permit applications should be submitted to the Willows Recreation Department at least 30 days prior to the event. Applications received less than five working days prior to the event may not have sufficient time to be processed.
  • Following Willows Municipal Code 9.05.050, NO GLASS CONTAINERS are allowed in the park.
  • Following Willows Municipal Code 9.05.060, NO PRIVATE VEHICLES OR HORSES are allowed in the park outside designated thoroughfares or parking areas.
    • Written permission from the Willows Community Services Department and the payment of a $75 fee is required if you want your event to have vehicles throughout the park. This is to compensate workers to mark vulnerable park infrastructure such as sprinklers.
  • Following Willows Municipal Code 8.25.030, smoking is prohibited in all common areas within the park.
  • If food is going to be sold at the park during the event, the seller requires a permit from the Glenn County health department.
  • Events & Activities must be concluded by dusk unless otherwise expressed in writing on the permit application.
  • Please assist in maintaining the cleanliness of our city parks by disposing of any refuse that was created as a result of your event in the trash receptacles that are located throughout the park.
    • Events & Activities that will be hanging a piñata need to provide their own tarp or sheet underneath the piñata to help with the assistance in cleaning up after piñata use.
  • If space beyond the park is needed for the event, a Street Use Permit must be acquired from the City Clerk prior to the event.
  • If the event includes barbequing, please utilize the charcoal barbeques already on-site or bring gas barbeques. Do not bring private charcoal barbeques to the event. You can bring your own charcoal.

Department Hours